
To draw an arc:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow to choose the type of arc:

  2. Start End Middle Arc [AM] - Draw the arc by clicking the starting and ending points of the arc, form the curvature of the arc, and then double-click to finalize it.

  3. Start Middle End Arc [A3] - Draw the arc by clicking the starting and middle points of the arc, form the curvature of the arc, and then double-click to finalize it.

    • Use the grips or the Arc tool panel to adjust the arc.

    • For a 3D arc, in 3D mode, drag the pyramid grip up or enter a Wall Height value in the tools panel.

  4. Edit properties by entering values on the tools panel.

Arc Tool Panel

Arc Length

Adjust the length of the arc.

Chord Length

Adjust the space between the start/endpoints of the arc.


Adjust the radius of the entire arc.

Middle Ordinate

Increase/decrease the arc’s middle ordinate.

Wall Height

In 3D mode, add a 3D wall to the arc.

Show Start Arrow

Add an arrow to the start point of the arc.

Show End Arrow

Add an arrow to the end point of the arc.


Add a line between the start/end points of the arc to close it.

Fill (roof)

Add a roof to a 3D arc that includes a wall.

Terrain Edge

Show the terrain edge.

Line Type

Select a line type.

Fill Color

Select to fill the arc, and choose a fill color and fill characteristics.

Outline Color

Choose the color and characteristics for the arc’s line.


Choose the line thickness.

Virtual Reality Options

Select to display the VRT Settings panel.


Choose an existing layer or add a new layer for the arc.