Groups: Projects Tab


This tab shows a list of the projects which belong to the selected group with their managers and access levels.

Click Groups in the task panel, then Active projects to open this tab.

Figure 1-26 Groups, Projects tab

Edit: If there is editable content, the edit icon is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over an entry.

Projects Summary

This is the same as the Managers Summary in Groups: Managers Tab.

Projects List Header

Figure 1-27 Managers list header

This header is only displayed if one or more projects are selected by marking the project's checkbox or the Select all checkbox at the top of the list, see below.

The header shows the number of currently selected projects. In addition, the following options are available:

Change Management: Opens a form, in which you can assign this project to a new group and select a Project Manager.

Export CSV: Exports the selected users in .csv format.

Projects List

This list contains the projects that belong to the selected group.

Hovering the mouse pointer over a user, displays the following options:

Share project: Opens a popup with a link to the project. You can then copy the link and send it via email or other communication tool to the person(s) you want. If the project's access level is Private, the addressee of the link needs a Sphere XG account or must create one and must be invited to the project or workspace. If the project's access level is Via link, anyone with the project link can see the project.

Open project in Sphere XG: Opens the annotation in Sphere XG

In the list, the projects are displayed with the project name, the Project Manager, the last update as well as the access level. The access level can be:

Via link: Accessible for viewing for anyone who has the link.

Private: Accessible only for Sphere XG users who were invited to the project and the members of the group to which the project belongs.