Capture Tab: 3D View


The 3D view shows the selected point cloud in a 3D view and the sheet. You can open the 3D view by clicking icon in the toolbar on the lower left side.

Figure 1-38 3D view showing the point cloud and the sheet

Figure 1-39 3D view showing an overlay of the point cloud and the 3D model as well as the sheet

Time travel: If there are more than one point clouds, Flash scans or 360° images in the project, you can select these elements from the dropdown list to "go through time", i.e. see the status of a project at various points in time.

Views Toolbar

3D view of the project. If your project also contains a 3D model, you can switch between the 3D model and point cloud and also overlay the 3D model and the point cloud, see bullet point below. If your project contains a floorplan or an overview map as sheet (and not only a grid), the sheet is also displayed in the 3D view. You can vary the opacity of the point cloud, the 3D model and the sheet via the toolbar on the right side, see Make Point Cloud, 3D Model or Sheet Visible in Your Project. This may be helpful to verify the alignment or registration result, especially if you combine this feature with the overlay feature.

With the buttons Point Cloud and 3D Model, you can change between the point cloud and the 3D model. By clicking icon , you can put the point cloud and the 3D model on top of each other, see also figure above. This also helps to check if both objects are well aligned or registered.

If your project was captured with the Orbis scanner and contains mobile scans as well as Flash scans, the point cloud icon has a dropdown list from which you can select either the mobile scan or the Flash scan. You can find further information in the Orbis user manual in chapter Flash Scans.

Figure 1-40 Scan selection dropdown

View Settings and Filter Toolbar

View-specific Toolbar